Restaurant for Sale in Durres. Durres Commercial Property for Sale



  • €399,125
  • Restaurants
  • Size: 319 Sq Mt.

    399.125 Euro

    Commerces à vendre à Durres

    Principales caractéristiques:

    Commercial unit for Sale in Durres with an area of 319 m2
    The Restaurant is 2 étages
    The first floor is 177 m2
    The second floor 142.3 m2
    The Restaurant is positioned in an eight-floor building, in the southern part of the city of Durres
    Il est situé à environ 60 m from beach in Durres and 70m from the promenade Durres beach.
    The Restaurant is equipped with the necessary infrastructure for the operation
    The restaurant and bar has direct access to the road DurresPlepa and the beach.
    Adresse: near the hotel beach areaILIRIA” Durres.



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