- Daugiau nei 2000 € / Mėnuo
- € 1,000,000 - € 2.000.000
- € 1,000 - 1,500 € / Mėnuo
- € 1500 - € 2000 / Mėnuo
- 10.000.000 € - € 20.000.000
- € 10,000 - 30,000 €
- € 100,000 - € 200,000
- € 2.000.000 - 5.000.000 €
- 20.000.000 € - € 50.000.000
- € 200.000 - € 300.000
- € 200 - € 500/Month
- 30,000 € - € 50,000
- € 300,000 - € 400,000
- € 400.000 - € 500.000
- €5,000,000-€10,000,000
- € 50,000 - 75,000 €
- € 500.000 - € 750.000
- € 500 - € 1000 / Mėnuo
- 75,000 € - € 100.000
- € 750.000 - € 1.000.000
- Albanija gauna ES šalies kandidatės statusą
- TFK, Union Bank Albanija Išplėsti prekybos finansavimą mažoms ir vidutinėms įmonėms
- Albanija siekiama pritraukti 7 milijonai turistų per metus
- Rusijos investuotojai dabar žiūri Albanija Nekilnojamas turtas
- Kinija Investuotojai domisi Albanija Nekilnojamojo turto ir Albanijos Investicijos
- €51,300
- Butas
- Size: 44 Sq Mt.
51.300 Euras
Butas Parduodama Durres
Pagrindinės funkcijos:
The residence is located in Golem , Kavaja
Composed by 24 three floor villas (separated in 12 villas in one Plot which for convenience we have called Plot A, ir 12 in the other Plot called Plot C).
The villas have two apartments per floor.
The apartments have a standard typology 2+1, gyvenamasis kambarys, cooking angle, toilet and a balcony, where each of apartments is 95 m2.
The only difference between them consist that in the first floor there is a personalized entrance from 100-120 m2 yard, turning so in a villa apartment, while in the upper floors the entrance is realized from the scale cage.
The apartments in the third floor can use a 74 m2 terrace.
Also there are 30 butai
7 duplex apartments
5 1+1 butai
The rest are 2+1.
While in it’s first floor it is built the closed pool, which is in full function of all residence, Sauna and SPA, also the bar and restaurant , where in the front part of the palace is the open pool which is the biggest pool in the area with it’s bar.
Safety system is one of our strongest points, the village is preserved all time by cameras.
We also offer internet services, telephone and TV cable.
The village currently has the largest pool in the area and is entirely available to our residents, also the security system is one of our strongest points.
The village has a camera system 24 valandos
Internetas , telephone and TV services, maintenance and cleaning services, parking is free of charge for all residents.
The village currently has the largest swimming pool built in the area which is entirely a function of our residents and the security system is one of our strong points
The village is preserved at all times with camera.
Susiję aukcionai
€1,200 /month
Apstatytas baldais 2 Bedroom Apartment at Tirana Ambasador Residence,
2 Miegamieji | 2 Vonios | Butas
1 Bedroom Apartment for Sale in Vlora Albania with Sea View and Spacious Terrace,
1 Miegamieji | 1 Vonios | Butas