- Greater than €2,000/Month
- €1,000,000-€2,000,000
- €1,000-€1,500/Month
- €1,500-€2,000/Month
- €10,000,000-€20,000,000
- €10,000-€30,000
- €100,000-€200,000
- €2,000,000-€5,000,000
- €20,000,000-€50,000,000
- €200,000-€300,000
- €200-€500/Month
- €30,000-€50,000
- €300,000-€400,000
- €400,000-€500,000
- €5,000,000-€10,000,000
- €50,000-€75,000
- €500,000-€750,000
- €500-€1,000/Month
- €75,000-€100,000
- €750,000-€1,000,000
- Albanija gauna ES šalies kandidatės statusą
- TFK, Union Bank Albanija Išplėsti prekybos finansavimą mažoms ir vidutinėms įmonėms
- Albanija siekiama pritraukti 7 milijonai turistų per metus
- Rusijos investuotojai dabar žiūri Albanija Nekilnojamas turtas
- Kinija Investuotojai domisi Albanija Nekilnojamojo turto ir Albanijos Investicijos
- 350,000 €
- Viešbutis
- Size: 500 Sq Mt.
350.000 Euras
Hotel for Sale in Saranda
The hotel rooms are very comfortable, and they have standard furniture. The hotel rooms are tastefully decorated and they have a sea view.
The hotel restaurant serves for your pleasure traditional Albanian and Mediterranean dishes, cooked with fresh local ingredients.
The hotel has 8 Double rooms