Apartments for Sale in Orikum. Vlora Nehnuteľnosti na predaj



24.900 Euro

Apartment for Sale in Orikum

Kľúčové vlastnosti:

All the listed apartments come with registration certificate, and for this reason you will become owner immediately after signing Purchase-Sale contract with owner.
There is a very good value for money in this residence
Good administration that looks after the residence during 12 months and really takes good care of it.
Very good quality construction
Has a nice swimming pool in the inner side of the residence, which is build in a L shape.
The building is located about 5 min walk from the beach.
Many foreigners have purchased apartments in this residence.
Orikum Residence is situated only 2 min walk from the center of Orikum
5 minutes from the Orikum Marina.

A-Apartment 1+1 46 m2 Price 24900 euro.
B-Apartment 1+1 79 m2 Price 41800 euro.
C-Apartment 1+1 74.34 m2 Price 39400 euro.
D-Apartment 1+1 85.24 m2 Price 45100 euro.


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