- Më e madhe se 2000 € / Muaj
- €1,000,000-€2,000,000
- 1.000 € - 1.500 € / Muaj
- 1.500 € - 2.000 € / Muaj
- €10,000,000-€20,000,000
- €10,000-€30,000
- €100,000-€200,000
- €2,000,000-€5,000,000
- €20,000,000-€50,000,000
- €200,000-€300,000
- 200 € - € 500/Month
- €30,000-€50,000
- €300,000-€400,000
- €400,000-€500,000
- € 5.000.000 - 10.000.000 €
- €50,000-€75,000
- €500,000-€750,000
- 500 € - 1.000 € / Muaj
- €75,000-€100,000
- €750,000-€1,000,000
Lajmet e fundit
- Shqipëria merr statusin e kandidatit të BE-së
- IFC, Union Bank Albania Expand financave, tregtisë për Ndërmarrjet e Vogla dhe të Mesme
- Shqipëria synon të tërheqë 7 milion turistë në vit
- Investitorët rusë tani janë duke kërkuar në Shqipëri Pronave
- Investitorët porcelani të interesuar në Shqipëri pasurive të patundshme dhe Investimeve Shqipëri
- €74,000
- Apartament
74.000 €
Apartament për Shitje në Vlorë
Key Features:
Madhësia Apartament: 74m2
2 Dhoma gjumi
1 Banjë
Floor 10
Vendbanimi ka 11 Dyshemetë
Residence built in 2015
The building has high quality construction
Interior design carried out by a renowned design studio.
From the balcony of this apartment you can enjoy wonderful sea views over the Bay of Vlora surrounded by mountains and hills.
The apartment is located only 30 meters away from the sea and the new promenade of the city.
There is acoustic and thermal insulation under the new modern standards.
There are garages in sale also.
The apartment is furnished with taste and it will impress the eyes of the visitors.
The apartment for sale in Vlora has a complete kitchen in a modern way with all the necessary elements, and the furniture are comfortable.
The owner has included the furniture in the price of the apartment.
Listimet ngjashme
Duplex Apartment for Sale in Saranda Port Residence 130m2,
2 Dhoma gjumi | 2 Banjë | Apartament